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Call Congress

Call your Member of Congress’ office to let them know that you oppose privatization and ask them where they stand. AARP has lent us their toll-free call Congress number. You can use this toll-free number to reach your elected officials in Washington, DC.

Call 1-800-485-0189 today! Tell your Senators and Representatives:

• Women of all generations can’t count on the stock market to make up for lower earnings, years out of the workforce, and a longer time in retirement AND to make up the cut in basic benefits under a privatized system too.
• Private accounts cannot offer what Social Security does: guaranteed, lifetime benefits that never decrease.
• Privatization would add $2 trillion to the national debt--a legacy you don’t want to leave to future generations.

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Take Action

Now that you have read why Social Security matters to women and why privatization is a bad deal for women, it is time to let your elected officials know how you feel.


Take Action Today!


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